全民環保時代的來臨,大家一同身體力行, 不用洗衣劑,不留螢光及化學藥劑,保護全家人的皮膚與健康
魔力环保洗衣球 -為國人研發自製,科技神奇的再現﹐改變水分子團﹐進而滲透衣服每一根纖維﹐帶走所有髒污;不需用任何洗衣劑﹐不殘留螢光劑及任何化學藥劑﹐保護您的皮膚﹐保護您的家人,更保護我們的地球不受污染。
四、外部獨特專利水流力學設計﹐不傷衣物﹐使水流更強勁;加上不同尺寸之突出部﹐可有效增加接觸面的摩擦力﹐ 洗淨力超強﹐遠超過一般洗衣劑的洗衣效力。
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007

魔力环保洗衣球 - 衣服避免殘留藥劑,小心皮膚炎上身
魔力环保洗衣球 - 衣服避免殘留藥劑,小心皮膚炎上身
全民環保時代的來臨, 大家一同身體力行, 不用洗衣劑, 不留螢光及化學藥劑, 保護全家人的皮膚與健康
魔力环保洗衣球 -為國人研發自製,科技神奇的再現﹐改變水分子團﹐進而滲透衣服每一根纖維﹐帶走所有髒污;不需用任何洗衣劑﹐不殘留螢光劑及任何化學藥劑﹐保護您的皮膚﹐保護您的家人,更保護我們的地球不受污染。
魔力環保洗衣球的新科技設計,內含三種天然陶瓷球,能產生強烈的遠紅外線波長能量,截斷水分子的氫結合,使水分子微米化 ,活化水分子的振頻,加強滲透力和洗滌力,同時產生負離子,軟化水的表面張力滲透衣物纖維介面,輕易去除污垢。
魔力環保洗衣球的新科技設計,內含三種天然陶瓷球,能產生強烈的遠紅外線波長能量,截斷水分子的氫結合,使水分子微米化 ,活化水分子的振頻,加強滲透力和洗滌力,同時產生負離子,軟化水的表面張力滲透衣物纖維介面,輕易去除污垢。
先將一顆(洗衣容量超過5公斤的洗衣機要使用兩顆)魔力環保洗衣球放入洗衣機(滾筒式洗衣機亦適用),注水浸泡一小時左右使水分子微米化,同時產生負離子後,開始一般洗衣程序。如有特別髒之衣物,須先經刷洗再使用洗衣球。魔力環保洗衣球,一日洗衣一次可使用三年,二日洗衣一次可使用六年 。
先將一顆(洗衣容量超過5公斤的洗衣機要使用兩顆)魔力環保洗衣球放入洗衣機(滾筒式洗衣機亦適用),注水浸泡一小時左右使水分子微米化,同時產生負離子後,開始一般洗衣程序。如有特別髒之衣物,須先經刷洗再使用洗衣球。魔力環保洗衣球,一日洗衣一次可使用三年,二日洗衣一次可使用六年 。
1. 放進水裡可以潔淨水質,使水質甜美
2. 放在電路阻斷器上,可達到節約電力的效果
3. 放在冰箱裡能夠除臭,放在冰箱上亦可以省電
4. EM陶瓷力大約10顆放在家中的一盆植物裡,室內空氣清新宜人;放在冷氣機的出風口或是裡面,效果一樣可觀!
1. 放進水裡可以潔淨水質,使水質甜美
2. 放在電路阻斷器上,可達到節約電力的效果
3. 放在冰箱裡能夠除臭,放在冰箱上亦可以省電
4. EM陶瓷力大約10顆放在家中的一盆植物裡,室內空氣清新宜人;放在冷氣機的出風口或是裡面,效果一樣可觀!
引進韓國專利技術, 環保陶瓷洗衣球,又稱高新技術產品--- 環保型天然洗衣球,完成了拯救江河、拯救地球的偉大發明。

MR TAN 38 岁 在 SELAYANG 巴刹经营鱼档
身上穿的工作服,沾有浓浓的鱼腥味,无论用甚么牌子的洗衣粉,它只能掩盖难闻的鱼腥味,而无法去除。 当我多次的使用洗衣球浸泡工作服时,沾在衣服上的鱼腥味,才能慢慢的解除 ,让我更加确信环保洗衣球的除臭是一级棒!
我的小孩每次擤鼻涕时,总是把手巾弄的黏黏脏脏的难于清洗。自从使用洗衣球后, 沾在手巾上的鼻涕 ,不再让我伤脑筋, 清洗后的手巾,备感清新 ,同时我也发现 藏在洗衣机细缝内的污迹 ,也随着每一次我用洗衣球浸泡清洗衣服时, 一块清洗出来。
麦碧音 38 岁 中医师
我发现清洗后的衣服, 即使没有晒乾 , 也不再像以前一样有难闻的味道 ; 即使 没有使用柔软精,衣服也不会硬硼硼。
叶老师 38 岁 家教 刚生下可爱宝宝
使用洗衣球洗我的 BABY 的衣服,无疑对我来说会更放心。因为 我不需要担 心洗衣剂会残留在衣服上,让小孩皮肤过敏,影响小孩的健康。
MS HO 20 岁 学院生
对我来说洗衣服是件麻烦的事,购买洗衣粉这些琐事,更不是我喜欢的工作。然而,自从朋友送给我环保洗衣球后,虽然我依然不喜欢洗衣服,但是它却 减少了我买洗衣粉的麻烦 ,而且, 即使衣服不干,也不会发出难闻的味道 ,更不担心,洗衣粉会残留在衣服上, 简单又方便。
自从我使用了环保洗衣球后, 我只需在洗衣时加如 10 %的洗衣剂,我的衣服也 一样洗得干净;更重要的是我的双手不再像以前一样那么乾烈和粗糙。
我使用环保洗衣球将近一个多月,对于 它的洗衣功能真的比我想像还出乎意料,即使衣服没有暴露在阳光下晒,都不会发出难闻的臭味(这是一个强有力的卖点〕。 我真的被说服了并会继续使用 。
坦白说,我和我的先生一开始并不相信环保洗衣球可以取代洗衣粉来洗衣,但最终我们决定尝试使用,在洗衣机完成了洗衣程序候,我们非常仔细检查和嗅嗅好的衣服。 Energy Living 环保洗衣球 ,真得不需要使用洗衣粉 ,就能很好的清洗衣服。我们不能不被环 保洗衣球的洗衣功能臣服,可说是太意外和太惊叹了。
MDM SIEW 62 岁 家庭主妇
身上穿的工作服,沾有浓浓的鱼腥味,无论用甚么牌子的洗衣粉,它只能掩盖难闻的鱼腥味,而无法去除。 当我多次的使用洗衣球浸泡工作服时,沾在衣服上的鱼腥味,才能慢慢的解除 ,让我更加确信环保洗衣球的除臭是一级棒!
我的小孩每次擤鼻涕时,总是把手巾弄的黏黏脏脏的难于清洗。自从使用洗衣球后, 沾在手巾上的鼻涕 ,不再让我伤脑筋, 清洗后的手巾,备感清新 ,同时我也发现 藏在洗衣机细缝内的污迹 ,也随着每一次我用洗衣球浸泡清洗衣服时, 一块清洗出来。
麦碧音 38 岁 中医师
我发现清洗后的衣服, 即使没有晒乾 , 也不再像以前一样有难闻的味道 ; 即使 没有使用柔软精,衣服也不会硬硼硼。
叶老师 38 岁 家教 刚生下可爱宝宝
使用洗衣球洗我的 BABY 的衣服,无疑对我来说会更放心。因为 我不需要担 心洗衣剂会残留在衣服上,让小孩皮肤过敏,影响小孩的健康。
MS HO 20 岁 学院生
对我来说洗衣服是件麻烦的事,购买洗衣粉这些琐事,更不是我喜欢的工作。然而,自从朋友送给我环保洗衣球后,虽然我依然不喜欢洗衣服,但是它却 减少了我买洗衣粉的麻烦 ,而且, 即使衣服不干,也不会发出难闻的味道 ,更不担心,洗衣粉会残留在衣服上, 简单又方便。
自从我使用了环保洗衣球后, 我只需在洗衣时加如 10 %的洗衣剂,我的衣服也 一样洗得干净;更重要的是我的双手不再像以前一样那么乾烈和粗糙。
我使用环保洗衣球将近一个多月,对于 它的洗衣功能真的比我想像还出乎意料,即使衣服没有暴露在阳光下晒,都不会发出难闻的臭味(这是一个强有力的卖点〕。 我真的被说服了并会继续使用 。
坦白说,我和我的先生一开始并不相信环保洗衣球可以取代洗衣粉来洗衣,但最终我们决定尝试使用,在洗衣机完成了洗衣程序候,我们非常仔细检查和嗅嗅好的衣服。 Energy Living 环保洗衣球 ,真得不需要使用洗衣粉 ,就能很好的清洗衣服。我们不能不被环 保洗衣球的洗衣功能臣服,可说是太意外和太惊叹了。
MDM SIEW 62 岁 家庭主妇

问1: 请问洗衣球的外壳是什么做的?是否耐用?
答: 洗衣球的外壳的原料是 POLYMER ,由厂商特地从荷兰进口,这种高品质的原料非常耐用。
问2: 请问天然陶磁球,它里面含有什么成分?为何可以去除氯化物?又能软化和漂白衣物?
答: 环保洗衣球内含的生化陶磁是由各种高品质的矿物元素,经严格处理而成。它所散发的负离子可以将水中的氯化物分解开来,让水软化。另外一点是,一般的洗衣剂存有化学成分,因此在清洗衣物时,会破坏衣物的纤维,而环保洗衣球不含任何化学剂,故无轮经多次清洗,衣服原有的柔软纤维依旧不变。其天然陶磁能将水分子分解,渗透衣服纤维,将藏在纤维里的污积彻底溶解出来。
问3: 请问它是如何办到杀菌功能?
答: 环保洗衣球内含除菌的生化陶磁,它将水分子化小,让水中的氧气增加制造了无法让细菌生存的环境。据韩国著名的实验 KATRI 报告证明 : 环保洗衣球的除菌功能可高达81.5%
问4: 如何知道产品的使用寿命只有三年?
答: 根据生产商的验证和多年的市场销售回馈,环保洗衣球的最佳洗洁效果高达三年。
问5: 如果加入普通的洗衣粉使用,是否会破坏洗衣球?
答: 对于普通的清洗,您可以完全不使用洗衣粉;一些沾有严重污积的衣服建议加入不超过 10 %的洗衣粉。但您必需紧记的是:如果您放入超过50 %的洗衣粉,将会破坏环保洗衣球的洗衣功效。
问6: 环保洗衣球会破坏洗衣机吗?
答: 环保洗衣球的外壳设计是供给洗衣机使用,决对不会破坏洗衣机。全世界已超过 100,0000 人次在使用,所以您绝对可放心。
问7: 如果使用洗衣机,没有预先浸泡,是否可以洗得干净?
答: 对于一般普通上班,外出流汗的衣服,可以不必经过浸泡;但一些沾有严重和顽固污积的衣服,建议最好浸泡至少一个小时,并可加入 10 %的洗衣粉,以增强洗衣效果。
问8: 什么是合成洗衣剂平衡酸硷值?
答: 环保洗衣球内含 ALKALINE BALL ,它的功效是平衡水的酸硷性。
问9: 我的洗衣机没有浸泡功能,怎么办?
答: 建意您可以先用一个桶连同洗衣球,将脏衣服浸泡,然后再放入洗衣机内进行清洗。虽然您可能觉得有点麻烦,然而,站在危护自己与家人健康,和免受毒素的伤害前题下,您所付出的那点心思,将会获得加备的回报,同是也为保护地球尽了一份力量。
问10: 如果我对产品使用的效果不满意,该怎么办?
答: 环保洗衣球在 1998 年从韩国进入全世界市场,至今都没有受到市场质疑,反而开创了一个洗衣的新文化,为环保地球而努力。我们绝对相信,只要您用心和正确的方式使用洗衣球,您一定会有意想不到的收获。
答: 洗衣球的外壳的原料是 POLYMER ,由厂商特地从荷兰进口,这种高品质的原料非常耐用。
问2: 请问天然陶磁球,它里面含有什么成分?为何可以去除氯化物?又能软化和漂白衣物?
答: 环保洗衣球内含的生化陶磁是由各种高品质的矿物元素,经严格处理而成。它所散发的负离子可以将水中的氯化物分解开来,让水软化。另外一点是,一般的洗衣剂存有化学成分,因此在清洗衣物时,会破坏衣物的纤维,而环保洗衣球不含任何化学剂,故无轮经多次清洗,衣服原有的柔软纤维依旧不变。其天然陶磁能将水分子分解,渗透衣服纤维,将藏在纤维里的污积彻底溶解出来。
问3: 请问它是如何办到杀菌功能?
答: 环保洗衣球内含除菌的生化陶磁,它将水分子化小,让水中的氧气增加制造了无法让细菌生存的环境。据韩国著名的实验 KATRI 报告证明 : 环保洗衣球的除菌功能可高达81.5%
问4: 如何知道产品的使用寿命只有三年?
答: 根据生产商的验证和多年的市场销售回馈,环保洗衣球的最佳洗洁效果高达三年。
问5: 如果加入普通的洗衣粉使用,是否会破坏洗衣球?
答: 对于普通的清洗,您可以完全不使用洗衣粉;一些沾有严重污积的衣服建议加入不超过 10 %的洗衣粉。但您必需紧记的是:如果您放入超过50 %的洗衣粉,将会破坏环保洗衣球的洗衣功效。
问6: 环保洗衣球会破坏洗衣机吗?
答: 环保洗衣球的外壳设计是供给洗衣机使用,决对不会破坏洗衣机。全世界已超过 100,0000 人次在使用,所以您绝对可放心。
问7: 如果使用洗衣机,没有预先浸泡,是否可以洗得干净?
答: 对于一般普通上班,外出流汗的衣服,可以不必经过浸泡;但一些沾有严重和顽固污积的衣服,建议最好浸泡至少一个小时,并可加入 10 %的洗衣粉,以增强洗衣效果。
问8: 什么是合成洗衣剂平衡酸硷值?
答: 环保洗衣球内含 ALKALINE BALL ,它的功效是平衡水的酸硷性。
问9: 我的洗衣机没有浸泡功能,怎么办?
答: 建意您可以先用一个桶连同洗衣球,将脏衣服浸泡,然后再放入洗衣机内进行清洗。虽然您可能觉得有点麻烦,然而,站在危护自己与家人健康,和免受毒素的伤害前题下,您所付出的那点心思,将会获得加备的回报,同是也为保护地球尽了一份力量。
问10: 如果我对产品使用的效果不满意,该怎么办?
答: 环保洗衣球在 1998 年从韩国进入全世界市场,至今都没有受到市场质疑,反而开创了一个洗衣的新文化,为环保地球而努力。我们绝对相信,只要您用心和正确的方式使用洗衣球,您一定会有意想不到的收获。
■ 傳統的合成洗衣粉有危害嗎?
■ 洗衣球是怎樣去汙的?
答:易用環保洗衣球是利用物理、化學相結合的原理,採用高分子活性固體顆粒和其獨特的外觀設計,在洗衣過程中緩慢釋放,乳化油污,並產生過量的[OH-]離子,提高水的PH值, 使水分子活化,活化分子容易滲入衣物纖維內部,使汙物跟纖維的結合變得鬆軟,在洗衣機的攪拌下,汙物較快脫離纖維,分散于水中,從而達到清洗效果。
■ 在洗滌過程中,洗衣球不拿出洗衣機,會對衣物和人體造成損害嗎?
■ 洗衣球是怎樣去汙的?
答:易用環保洗衣球是利用物理、化學相結合的原理,採用高分子活性固體顆粒和其獨特的外觀設計,在洗衣過程中緩慢釋放,乳化油污,並產生過量的[OH-]離子,提高水的PH值, 使水分子活化,活化分子容易滲入衣物纖維內部,使汙物跟纖維的結合變得鬆軟,在洗衣機的攪拌下,汙物較快脫離纖維,分散于水中,從而達到清洗效果。
■ 在洗滌過程中,洗衣球不拿出洗衣機,會對衣物和人體造成損害嗎?
Is your laundry detergent free?

- Saving in money as you no longer have to use any amount of detergent, softener or bleach
- Cleaner and brighter fabric and clothes.
- Protection from oxidation and discolouration on fabric and clothes.
- Elimitnates mold and pathogenic organisms.
- No more unpleasant smell- softer fabric and clothes
- Prevent skin allergy and irritation.
Proven Five Great Reasons you should use the Washing Ball to wash your clothes
1. Because the Washing Ball does not contain any detergent, there is no remaining chemical detergent residue in the cloth and fiber;
therefore it does not cause any skin trouble to those who may be allergic or irritated by residues that detergents can leave behind in clothes after washing.
2. It protects the oxidation and discoloration of fabric caused by chloride in the city water and helps to retain the elasticity of fabric.
3. The Washing Ball has antibiotic agents, it eliminates the mould, pathogenic organisms, and unpleasant odors, while it activates water and increases the cleaning power.
4. With these combined functions, it is not necessary to add bleaching agents, fabric softeners and other washing additives.
5. There are no tangled results in the laundry.
1. Because the Washing Ball does not contain any detergent, there is no remaining chemical detergent residue in the cloth and fiber;
therefore it does not cause any skin trouble to those who may be allergic or irritated by residues that detergents can leave behind in clothes after washing.
2. It protects the oxidation and discoloration of fabric caused by chloride in the city water and helps to retain the elasticity of fabric.
3. The Washing Ball has antibiotic agents, it eliminates the mould, pathogenic organisms, and unpleasant odors, while it activates water and increases the cleaning power.
4. With these combined functions, it is not necessary to add bleaching agents, fabric softeners and other washing additives.
5. There are no tangled results in the laundry.
1. The Washing Ball consists of many natural ceramic contained in a round ball. This made in Korea product was scientifically designed to clean clothes and laundry without any detergent.
2. From the test results by KATRI, a nationally authorized scientific testing organization in Korea. Washing Ball was awarded an excellent record in areas of cleaning strength, decolorant strength and sterilizing power.
3. When compared with normal washing process, Washing Ball achieved results that are desirable, economical detergent conserving, water conserving, electrically efficient and time saving.
4. The Washing Ball is a global invention which is protected by invention patent, and received design trademark.
5. Washing Ball is a versatile scientific designed to serve as an excellent natural health, wellness and environmental protection product.
1. The Washing Ball consists of many natural ceramic contained in a round ball. This made in Korea product was scientifically designed to clean clothes and laundry without any detergent.
2. From the test results by KATRI, a nationally authorized scientific testing organization in Korea. Washing Ball was awarded an excellent record in areas of cleaning strength, decolorant strength and sterilizing power.
3. When compared with normal washing process, Washing Ball achieved results that are desirable, economical detergent conserving, water conserving, electrically efficient and time saving.
4. The Washing Ball is a global invention which is protected by invention patent, and received design trademark.
5. Washing Ball is a versatile scientific designed to serve as an excellent natural health, wellness and environmental protection product.
Washing Principle
1. The powerful far-infrared rays of the Washing Ball breaks water molecule's hydrogen combinations into small clusters and force the small water cluster being activated, to increase it's molecular motions, penetration force, and washing power. As it also radiates
negative ions to weaken the surface and inter fabric adhesion, the dirt can come off easily without any detergent.
2. The Washing Ball keeps the pH spectrum at the level that ordinary chemical detergent does (pH10), helping remove dirt from clothing.
3. The Washing Ball eliminates the chloride compound in water, and slackens the water surface tension and increases cleaning strength.
4. The Washing Ball does not pollute. It contains no chemicals.
1. The powerful far-infrared rays of the Washing Ball breaks water molecule's hydrogen combinations into small clusters and force the small water cluster being activated, to increase it's molecular motions, penetration force, and washing power. As it also radiates
negative ions to weaken the surface and inter fabric adhesion, the dirt can come off easily without any detergent.
2. The Washing Ball keeps the pH spectrum at the level that ordinary chemical detergent does (pH10), helping remove dirt from clothing.
3. The Washing Ball eliminates the chloride compound in water, and slackens the water surface tension and increases cleaning strength.
4. The Washing Ball does not pollute. It contains no chemicals.
Usage and period of use
1. Use in washing machine (regular and drum washing machine)
2. Can also be used in hand wash
3. Aprox. lasts for three years. (1000-1200 loads)
1. Use in washing machine (regular and drum washing machine)
2. Can also be used in hand wash
3. Aprox. lasts for three years. (1000-1200 loads)
So what are you waiting for?
Join and experience the revolutionary detergent free laundry now!
Join and experience the revolutionary detergent free laundry now!
Story of Magic Ball

For decades, scientists have known the benefits of super charging water with molecular bonding particles to remove dirt and stains by adding extra hydrogen and oxygen ions? ordinary water becomes super powerful 100% cleansing agent. Through the vigorous motion of water during normal wash cycles, laundry balls generate millions of dynamic molecules that actually allow water to break down and separate dirt and stains from all types of fabrics. Clothes are left clean with none of the harmful or toxic chemical effects from traditional laundry detergents. Smart laundry ball have been sold for years to millions of satisfied customers in USA, Japan Europe, Middle East and throughout the world, we know you will agree there is no laundry product safe for environment like we do, kinder for fabric and more gentle for your family.
Method of Use
1) Put the clothes into washing machine and place the washing ball on top of the clothes. No other detergents or softeners needed. Keep the ball inside machine all the way during washing process。
2) Apply normal procedure of doing laundry.
3) After washing, keep the washing ball in the washing machine or take it out and leave it in cool place for its natural dry.
- User friendly
- 100% safe for environment
- No chemicals
- Non toxic
- Phosphate free
- No soapy or residue left on clothes
- Free of dyes & perfumes
- Hypo-allergenic
- Anti-bacterial
- Gentle on all fabrics
- Won't fade colour
- Work great in all temperatures
Clean up to 1200 loads
Save water & time by eliminating extra rinse cycles
No needed fabric softener
Easy to use
Nothing to add or mix
No measuring scooping or pouring
No heavy boxes or bottles to carry or store
MAGIC BALL Testimonial
Ms. Amelia Chan, 55 year old homemaker, Shah Alam.
“I use the strong liquid detergent available in the market but I do not like the slimy feeling whenever I wash my clothes. I also notice that the detergent has been rough on my hands . Ever since using Energy Living Washing Ball , I only need to use 10% of the regular detergent dosage and yet my laundry is still as clean! Best of all, my hands no longer feel rough and no more slimy feeling”
Ms. Margaret Lee from Muar, Johor
“We have tried it for about a month plus. We're pleased to report that they have lived up to our expectations pretty well . The clothes did not smell bad even without exposing them under the sun. Thumbs up! (I bet this will be one of the great selling points!) We're convinced and will continue using it! Honestly speaking, my husband and I were skeptical at first when George passed it to us. Even after I have read the brochure, I was still not keen on trying it at all. I just couldn't believe it. At last, my husband decided to give it a try. The result: When the washer finished the cycle, we carefully inspected and smelled the clothes and they were cleaned and odor free without detergent , which were so amazed and impressed!
Mr. Tan, 38 years old, Fishmonger, Selayang Market, Kuala Lumpur
“Because of the nature of my work, my clothes have very strong fish odour. Even after washing with various brands of both normal and expensive detergents, I find that the fish odour is still present and cannot be eliminated completely. After using Energy Living Washing Ball , I find that the fish odour is gradually eliminated . After soaking my working clothes together with The Energy Home Washing Ball, the fish odour is greatly reduced and eliminated . Energy Living Washing Ball is excellent at eliminating bad odour.”
Ms. Kathy, Home Maker
“When my children have cough and cold, I find washing their handkerchiefs a real headache. Washing away the phlegm and nasal discharge is really a problem. They will stick to the fabric and won't go away! Now, to my surprise and delight , when I use Energy Living Washing Ball in my laundry, this is no longer a problem. The handkerchiefs are clean and best of all – no traces of phlegm and nasal discharge ! I am really impressed and satisfied with Energy Living Washing Ball .”
Ms. Beh, Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor
“I notice that after using Energy Living Washing Ball , my clothes do not have that stale smell even without airing them in the sun.I also notice that my clothes are softer without using any softener.”
Ms. Yap. 38 year old, Tuition Teacher.
“After giving birth to my baby boy , I was concerned that his sensitive skin could not take the harmful effects of regular washing detergent.After using Energy Living Washing Ball , I have total confidence it in. Why? Because without using any detergent in my laundry, I am sure that my baby's sensitive skin will not be affected by the harsh effects of detergent.”
Madam Siew, 62, Homemaker.
“When my grandchildren are sick especially with stomach purging and diarrhea, I will usually boil water to wash their clothes in order to kill germs and bacteria before mixing them with the rest of the laundry.
My daughter recently gave me Energy Living Washing Ball and told me that among its many benefits, it can eliminate bacteria, germs and other pathogenic organism. I gave it a try and found that my laundry is really clean and odour free because of the absence of bacterial activity . Nowadays, I no longer go through the hassle of boiling water to wash clothes. In fact, I an now using two Energy Living Washing Balls in my washing machine so that my family can benefit from its optimum performance.
“I use the strong liquid detergent available in the market but I do not like the slimy feeling whenever I wash my clothes. I also notice that the detergent has been rough on my hands . Ever since using Energy Living Washing Ball , I only need to use 10% of the regular detergent dosage and yet my laundry is still as clean! Best of all, my hands no longer feel rough and no more slimy feeling”
Ms. Margaret Lee from Muar, Johor
“We have tried it for about a month plus. We're pleased to report that they have lived up to our expectations pretty well . The clothes did not smell bad even without exposing them under the sun. Thumbs up! (I bet this will be one of the great selling points!) We're convinced and will continue using it! Honestly speaking, my husband and I were skeptical at first when George passed it to us. Even after I have read the brochure, I was still not keen on trying it at all. I just couldn't believe it. At last, my husband decided to give it a try. The result: When the washer finished the cycle, we carefully inspected and smelled the clothes and they were cleaned and odor free without detergent , which were so amazed and impressed!
Mr. Tan, 38 years old, Fishmonger, Selayang Market, Kuala Lumpur
“Because of the nature of my work, my clothes have very strong fish odour. Even after washing with various brands of both normal and expensive detergents, I find that the fish odour is still present and cannot be eliminated completely. After using Energy Living Washing Ball , I find that the fish odour is gradually eliminated . After soaking my working clothes together with The Energy Home Washing Ball, the fish odour is greatly reduced and eliminated . Energy Living Washing Ball is excellent at eliminating bad odour.”
Ms. Kathy, Home Maker
“When my children have cough and cold, I find washing their handkerchiefs a real headache. Washing away the phlegm and nasal discharge is really a problem. They will stick to the fabric and won't go away! Now, to my surprise and delight , when I use Energy Living Washing Ball in my laundry, this is no longer a problem. The handkerchiefs are clean and best of all – no traces of phlegm and nasal discharge ! I am really impressed and satisfied with Energy Living Washing Ball .”
Ms. Beh, Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor
“I notice that after using Energy Living Washing Ball , my clothes do not have that stale smell even without airing them in the sun.I also notice that my clothes are softer without using any softener.”
Ms. Yap. 38 year old, Tuition Teacher.
“After giving birth to my baby boy , I was concerned that his sensitive skin could not take the harmful effects of regular washing detergent.After using Energy Living Washing Ball , I have total confidence it in. Why? Because without using any detergent in my laundry, I am sure that my baby's sensitive skin will not be affected by the harsh effects of detergent.”
Madam Siew, 62, Homemaker.
“When my grandchildren are sick especially with stomach purging and diarrhea, I will usually boil water to wash their clothes in order to kill germs and bacteria before mixing them with the rest of the laundry.
My daughter recently gave me Energy Living Washing Ball and told me that among its many benefits, it can eliminate bacteria, germs and other pathogenic organism. I gave it a try and found that my laundry is really clean and odour free because of the absence of bacterial activity . Nowadays, I no longer go through the hassle of boiling water to wash clothes. In fact, I an now using two Energy Living Washing Balls in my washing machine so that my family can benefit from its optimum performance.
The Toxic Dangers of Your Typical Laundry Detergent
You take great pains to make sure your clothes are clean and fresh, but, ironically, the very detergents that you use to make your clothes "clean" may actually be leaving them worse off than they were before you threw them in the wash. That's because most commercial laundry detergents, the common brands you find at grocery stores, are loaded with potentially toxic chemicals that could harm you, your family and the environment.Residues of these chemicals are left on your clothes and possibly absorbed by your skin and evaporated into the air where they could be breathed in.
A Typical Laundry Detergent
If you take a look at a bottle of laundry detergent, you'll find that the ingredients are rather vague. One popular brand listed, for instance:
Cleaning agents (anionic and nonionic surfactants)
Buffering agent
Brightening agent
From this list, it's hard to tell what, exactly, is even in the detergent, so we broke down some of the more common laundry ingredients out there.
Linear alkyl sodium sulfonates (LAS): These synthetic surfactants are commonly listed as 'anionic surfactants' on labels, and are one of the most common surfactants in use.
During their production process, carcinogenic and reproductive toxins such as benzene are released into the environment.
They also biodegrade slowly, making them a hazard in the environment.
Petroleum distillates (aka napthas): These chemicals have been linked to cancer, lung damage, lung inflammation and damage to mucous membranes.
Phenols: According to the National Institutes of Health, phenol is toxic and people who are hypersensitive to it could experience death or serious side effects at very low exposures. Plus, it is rapidly absorbed and can cause toxicity throughout the entire body. Typically, death and severe toxicity result from phenol's effects on the central nervous system, heart, blood vessels, lungs and kidneys.
One common surfactant in U.S. laundry detergents is nonyl phenol ethoxylate (this chemical has been banned in Europe , and was found to slowly biodegrade into even more toxic compounds). Studies have found that this surfactant stimulates the growth of breast cancer cells and feminizes male fish.Optical brighteners: These synthetic chemicals convert UV light wavelengths into visible light, which makes laundered clothes appear whiter (although does not actually affect the cleanliness of the clothing). They've been found to be toxic to fish and to cause bacterial mutations. Further, they can cause allergic reactions when exposed to skin that is later exposed to sunlight.Phosphates: These chemicals are used to remove hard-water minerals to make detergents more effective, and to prevent dirt from settling back onto clothes during a wash. A major problem with them is that, when released into the environment, they stimulate the growth of certain marine plants, which contributes to unbalanced ecosystems.
Many states have banned or restricted the use of phosphates for this reason, and you may see laundry detergents advertised as "low-phosphate" or "phosphate-free."Sodium hypochlorite (household bleach): This is a chemical precursor to chlorine, which is highly toxic and involved in more household poisonings than any other chemical. When it reacts with organic materials in the environment, carcinogenic and toxic compounds are created than can cause reproductive, endocrine and immune system disorders.
EDTA (ethylene-diamino-tetra-acetate): EDTA is a class of compounds used as an alternative to phosphates to reduce mineral hardness in water, prevent bleaching agents from becoming active before they're put in water and as a foaming stabilizer. EDTA does not biodegrade readily and can re-dissolve toxic heavy metals in the environment, allowing them to re-enter the food chain.
Artificial fragrances: Many of these can be made from petroleum (see petroleum distillates above), and do not degrade in the environment. They've been linked to various toxic effects on fish and mammals, and often cause allergies and skin and eye irritation.
Get Your Clothes Really Clean and Allergen Free The Energy Home Washing Ball way!
With The Energy Home Washing Ball , you can get your washables clean and bright without the fear of any harsh chemical residues being left behind to irritate your skin or excite allergies. The Energy Home Washing Ball is made of non-toxic cleaning bio-ceramic which contains no hazardous ingredients, petrochemicals, perfumes, dyes or animal by-products.If you want to be sure that your laundry is as non-toxic and safe as possible, seek out The Energy Home Washing Ball .If you have allergies, asthma or chemical sensitivities, we STRONGLY URGE YOU TO CONSIDER The Energy Home Washing Ball!
A Typical Laundry Detergent
If you take a look at a bottle of laundry detergent, you'll find that the ingredients are rather vague. One popular brand listed, for instance:
Cleaning agents (anionic and nonionic surfactants)
Buffering agent
Brightening agent
From this list, it's hard to tell what, exactly, is even in the detergent, so we broke down some of the more common laundry ingredients out there.
Linear alkyl sodium sulfonates (LAS): These synthetic surfactants are commonly listed as 'anionic surfactants' on labels, and are one of the most common surfactants in use.
During their production process, carcinogenic and reproductive toxins such as benzene are released into the environment.
They also biodegrade slowly, making them a hazard in the environment.
Petroleum distillates (aka napthas): These chemicals have been linked to cancer, lung damage, lung inflammation and damage to mucous membranes.
Phenols: According to the National Institutes of Health, phenol is toxic and people who are hypersensitive to it could experience death or serious side effects at very low exposures. Plus, it is rapidly absorbed and can cause toxicity throughout the entire body. Typically, death and severe toxicity result from phenol's effects on the central nervous system, heart, blood vessels, lungs and kidneys.
One common surfactant in U.S. laundry detergents is nonyl phenol ethoxylate (this chemical has been banned in Europe , and was found to slowly biodegrade into even more toxic compounds). Studies have found that this surfactant stimulates the growth of breast cancer cells and feminizes male fish.Optical brighteners: These synthetic chemicals convert UV light wavelengths into visible light, which makes laundered clothes appear whiter (although does not actually affect the cleanliness of the clothing). They've been found to be toxic to fish and to cause bacterial mutations. Further, they can cause allergic reactions when exposed to skin that is later exposed to sunlight.Phosphates: These chemicals are used to remove hard-water minerals to make detergents more effective, and to prevent dirt from settling back onto clothes during a wash. A major problem with them is that, when released into the environment, they stimulate the growth of certain marine plants, which contributes to unbalanced ecosystems.
Many states have banned or restricted the use of phosphates for this reason, and you may see laundry detergents advertised as "low-phosphate" or "phosphate-free."Sodium hypochlorite (household bleach): This is a chemical precursor to chlorine, which is highly toxic and involved in more household poisonings than any other chemical. When it reacts with organic materials in the environment, carcinogenic and toxic compounds are created than can cause reproductive, endocrine and immune system disorders.
EDTA (ethylene-diamino-tetra-acetate): EDTA is a class of compounds used as an alternative to phosphates to reduce mineral hardness in water, prevent bleaching agents from becoming active before they're put in water and as a foaming stabilizer. EDTA does not biodegrade readily and can re-dissolve toxic heavy metals in the environment, allowing them to re-enter the food chain.
Artificial fragrances: Many of these can be made from petroleum (see petroleum distillates above), and do not degrade in the environment. They've been linked to various toxic effects on fish and mammals, and often cause allergies and skin and eye irritation.
Get Your Clothes Really Clean and Allergen Free The Energy Home Washing Ball way!
With The Energy Home Washing Ball , you can get your washables clean and bright without the fear of any harsh chemical residues being left behind to irritate your skin or excite allergies. The Energy Home Washing Ball is made of non-toxic cleaning bio-ceramic which contains no hazardous ingredients, petrochemicals, perfumes, dyes or animal by-products.If you want to be sure that your laundry is as non-toxic and safe as possible, seek out The Energy Home Washing Ball .If you have allergies, asthma or chemical sensitivities, we STRONGLY URGE YOU TO CONSIDER The Energy Home Washing Ball!
KATRI Test Report
KATRI (Korea Apparel Testing & Research Institute)
Laundry Ability Valuation and Research Center
232-22, Yongdu-Dong, Dongdaemoon-Gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel : 02-925-2451 Fax : 02-925-2462
Experiment Record
KATRI NO : SS3-003942-4
Date : 2003.04.21
Client : DooBae Industry
Sample : Laundry Ball 1 set
Test result about sample requested on 2003. 03. 27 is as below.
Test Item : Fiber Softness Experiment : KS K 0815 E Rule
Test Result
Before Laundry Treatment
Standard Usage of Supertie
- 0.633
50% of Standard Usage of Supertie + Laundry Ball 2EA
- 0.650
Laundry Ball 2EA
- 0.653
After Laundry Treatment
Standard Usage of Supertie
- 0.564
50% of Standard Usage of Supertie + Laundry Ball 2EA
- 0.587
Laundry Ball 2EA
- 0.608
1. Laundry Treatment Condition
: household washing machine, standard course, low water level
2. Laundry Treatment Sample : towel
The Chief of Korea Apparel Testing & Research Institute
This result is for the presented sample that client requested.
Mutual Certification and Technique Agreement :
Laundry Ability Valuation and Research Center
232-22, Yongdu-Dong, Dongdaemoon-Gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel : 02-925-2451 Fax : 02-925-2462
Experiment Record
KATRI NO : SS3-003942-4
Date : 2003.04.21
Client : DooBae Industry
Sample : Laundry Ball 1 set
Test result about sample requested on 2003. 03. 27 is as below.
Test Item : Fiber Softness Experiment : KS K 0815 E Rule
Test Result
Before Laundry Treatment
Standard Usage of Supertie
- 0.633
50% of Standard Usage of Supertie + Laundry Ball 2EA
- 0.650
Laundry Ball 2EA
- 0.653
After Laundry Treatment
Standard Usage of Supertie
- 0.564
50% of Standard Usage of Supertie + Laundry Ball 2EA
- 0.587
Laundry Ball 2EA
- 0.608
1. Laundry Treatment Condition
: household washing machine, standard course, low water level
2. Laundry Treatment Sample : towel
The Chief of Korea Apparel Testing & Research Institute
This result is for the presented sample that client requested.
Mutual Certification and Technique Agreement :
Adakah anda membasuh baju tanpa sebarang serbuk cuci?

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Dengan menggunakan Bebola Pembasuhan MAGIC BALL,
anda akan mendapat faedah-faedah yang tersebut di bawah ini:-
anda akan mendapat faedah-faedah yang tersebut di bawah ini:-
Disebabkan Bebola Pembasuhan MAGIC BALL tidak mengandungi detergen, ia tidak akan meninggalkan sebarang sisa detergen dalam pakaian dan fiber, oleh itu ia tidak akan menyebabkan sebarang masalah kulit terhadap mereka yang alah atau ganguan pada sisa-sisa detergen yang tertinggal selepas pembasuhan.
Disebabkan Bebola Pembasuhan MAGIC BALL tidak mengandungi detergen, ia tidak akan meninggalkan sebarang sisa detergen dalam pakaian dan fiber, oleh itu ia tidak akan menyebabkan sebarang masalah kulit terhadap mereka yang alah atau ganguan pada sisa-sisa detergen yang tertinggal selepas pembasuhan.
Ia melindungi proses pengoksidaan dan kelunturan warna fabric yang disebabkan oleh klorin dalam air di bandar dan membantu mengekalkan kelastikan fabric tersebut.
Bebola Pembasuhan MAGIC BALL mempunyai agen antibiotic. Ia menghapuskan kulat, patogenik dan bau yang tidak selesa. Ia juga menggiatkan air dan menambahkan kuasa pembersihan.
Mereka yang menghadapi kulit yang sensitif dan atopik perlu menggunakan Bebola Pembasuhan MAGIC BALL.
Dengan fungsi yang bergabung, ia tidak perlu menambahkan agen penceluran, pelembut fabric dan bahan tambahan pembasuh yang lain.
Ia melindungi proses pengoksidaan dan kelunturan warna fabric yang disebabkan oleh klorin dalam air di bandar dan membantu mengekalkan kelastikan fabric tersebut.
Bebola Pembasuhan MAGIC BALL mempunyai agen antibiotic. Ia menghapuskan kulat, patogenik dan bau yang tidak selesa. Ia juga menggiatkan air dan menambahkan kuasa pembersihan.
Mereka yang menghadapi kulit yang sensitif dan atopik perlu menggunakan Bebola Pembasuhan MAGIC BALL.
Dengan fungsi yang bergabung, ia tidak perlu menambahkan agen penceluran, pelembut fabric dan bahan tambahan pembasuh yang lain.
Bebola Pembasuhan MAGIC BALL menggunakan bahan semula jadi, dan berasaskan kemesraan alam sekeliling, bahan semula jadi yang berorganik tersebut menghasilkan Bebola Pembasuhan MAGIC BALL, ia boleh menggantikan fungsi detergen atau serbuk cuci yang sedia ada sekarang, ia merupakan cara yang lebih sihat lagi jimat.
Marilah kita bersama-sama menggunakan cara pembasuhan baju yang bermanfaat ini!
Marilah kita bersama-sama menggunakan cara pembasuhan baju yang bermanfaat ini!
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